Call for Abstract

International Conference on Organ Donation and Transplantation Science, will be organized around the theme “Frontiers in Transplantation Science for Promising Future”

TRANSPLANTATION SCIENCE 2019 is comprised of 17 tracks and 50 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in TRANSPLANTATION SCIENCE 2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Organ Transplantation Surgery is a beneficial technique in which a section of tissue or a complete organ that is removed from its original natural site and transferred to a new position in the same person or in a separate individual. The donated organ may be from a deceased donor, a living donor. In some cases an artificial organ are also used.
  • Track 1-1Skin Transplantation
  • Track 1-2Kidney Transplantation
  • Track 1-3Hair Transplantation
  • Track 1-4Liver Transplantation
  • Track 1-5Lung Transplantation
Organ donation is an act of giving one or more organs without compensation for transplantation into someone else. Organ donation is a very personal yet complex decision, intertwined with medical, legal, religious, cultural, and ethical issues. Donations include the liver, kidney, pancreas, and heart.
  • Track 2-1Internal Organs: Kidneys, heart, liver, pancreas, intestines, lungs
Liver transplant is a surgical procedure to remove a diseased liver and replace it with a healthy liver from a donor. Most liver transplant operations use livers from deceased donors, though a liver may also come from a living donor. The liver has sizable reserves and a great capacity to regenerate itself. Often, symptoms aren't evident until significant damage has been done. At present, there is no known way to medically compensate for the loss of a liver.
  • Track 3-1Liver Transplantation for Hepatitis B and C
  • Track 3-2Surgical Innovations
  • Track 3-3Immunosuppression
  • Track 3-4Acute Liver Failure and Artificial Liver Support
Kidney transplant is a treatment for persons who have chronic renal failure requiring dialysis. Kidney transplants are among the most commonly performed types of transplant surgery. Kidneys often are donated from living relatives to ensure the greatest prospects of long-term survival and today, more than four-fifths of patients with transplanted kidneys will survive for more than five years.
  • Track 4-1Living Donors and Deceased Donor
  • Track 4-2Medical Complications
  • Track 4-3Adult and Pediatric Transplants
  • Track 4-4Hyper-Sensitization
Heart transplantation is the replacement of a patient's diseased or injured heart with a healthy donor heart. Heart Transplantation is a treatment option for people who are in the end stages of heart failure. Heart transplant surgery lasts for approximately four hours. During that time, you’ll be placed on a heart-lung machine to keep blood circulating throughout your body.
  • Track 5-1Bridge for Transplantation
  • Track 5-2Artificial Heart
  • Track 5-3Therapeutic and physiologic issues surrounding heart valve surgery
  • Track 5-4Heart Regeneration
Robotic Transpla ntation is a robot-assisted surgery that aids surgeons in executing the most complex operations with extreme accuracy, mobility, and control as compared to the traditional procedures. The most widely used clinical robotic surgical system includes a camera arm and mechanical arms with surgical instruments attached to them. The surgeon controls the arms while seated at a computer console near the operating table. The console gives the surgeon a high-definition, magnified, 3-D view of the surgical site.
  • Track 6-1Robotic Kidney Transplantation
  • Track 6-2Minimal scarring
  • Track 6-3Miniaturization
The Medical device industry makes an enormous number of products ranging from surgical gloves to artificial joints to imaging equipment and plays a crucial role in developing new medical technologies that can improve the ability to diagnose and treat illness. The industry has a relatively small number of large, diversified companies and a large number of smaller companies that are mainly engaged in research and development of new devices for specific therapeutic areas. The industry is distinctive both for its tendencies to make frequent, incremental changes to its products and its extensive ties with physicians.
  • Track 7-1Clinical Investigation
  • Track 7-2Data Exclusivity
Gender reassignment surgery, sometimes called Sex reassignment surgery, is implemented to transition individuals with gender dysphonia to their desired gender. Gender reassignment is irrelevant to a person’s ability to perform a job. Indeed, having previously had to live with the pressure of gender dysphoria, a transsexual person who has completed a change of gender identity is likely to emerge a better worker than before.
  • Track 8-1Collagen injections
  • Track 8-2Breast augmentation
  • Track 8-3Lip reduction/Enhancement
  • Track 8-4Voice modification surgery
In Transplantation technique a complete organ that is removed from its original natural site and transferred to a new position in the same person or in a separate individual. The term, like the synonym graft, was borrowed from horticulture. Both words imply that success will result in a healthy and flourishing graft or transplant, which will gain its nourishment from its new environment.
  • Track 9-1Multi-Organ Procurement
  • Track 9-2Brain Death Diagnosis
  • Track 9-3Thoracic and Mediastinal Inspection
A bone marrow transplant involves taking cells that are normally found in the bone marrow, filtering those cells, and giving them back either to the patient they were taken from or to another person. The goal of BMT is to transfuse healthy bone marrow cells into a person after his or her own unhealthy bone marrow has been eliminated.
  • Track 10-1Allogeneic BMT
  • Track 10-2Autologous BMT
This involves the removal of healthy skin tissues from one part of the body and transplanting it to the burn site. This skin graft may include only a few outer layers of skin or may involve the entire dermis. This is used in cases of severe burns where a large section of the dermis is affected. This procedure has many advantages as the skin colour and texture are a near perfect match thus reducing scarring to a large extent.
  • Track 11-1Acute repair surgery
  • Track 11-2Reconstructive burn surgery
  • Track 11-3Skin grafts
  • Track 11-4Tissue expansion
  • Track 11-5Microsurgery
A generic term for any organ or surrogate device used to stabilize a patient before definitive transplantation of a matched organ.


  • Track 12-1Hepatic Assist Techniques
  • Track 12-2Hemodiabsorption
  • Track 12-3Bio-artificial Liver Support Systems
Transplant Rejection happens when a person receives an organ from someone else during transplant surgery, that person's immune system may recognize that it is foreign. This is because the person's immune system detects that the antigens on the cells of the organ are different or not "matched." Mismatched organs, or organs that are not matched closely enough, can trigger a blood transfusion reaction or transplant rejection.
  • Track 13-1Hyper Acute Rejection
  • Track 13-2Acute Rejection
  • Track 13-3Chronic Rejection
In Organ transport system the organs are placed in sterile containers, packaged in wet ice, and transported to the recipient's transplant center. Hearts and lungs must be transplanted within approximately four hours after being removed from the donor in transport system.
  • Track 14-1Living Donor Coordinator
  • Track 14-2Organ Preservation Practitioner
  • Track 14-3Recipient Centre Point of Contact
  • Track 14-4Retrieving Surgeon
Commercialization of Organs in itself cannot be held as immoral. The  premier  and  essential  objection  to  the  sale  of  human  body  parts  on secular grounds is that commercialization would tend unavoidably to harm sellers.  More  specifically,  the  basic  concern  here  is  that  due  to  the  sup-posed inevitability of exploitation and coercion, the sale of human body parts cannot be contained in a just health care system. We will address this core  secular  argument  in  terms  of  its  two  separable,  primary  elements: exploitation and coercion.
  • Track 15-1Resource Allocation
  • Track 15-2Reimbursement Mechanisms

\r\n The legislation called the Human Organ Act (THO) was passed in 1994 to streamline transplantation activities. Broadly, the act accepted brain death as a form of death and made the sale of kidney transplantations but also start other solid organ liver transplants, the organs have come from the deceased donor program as have all the hearts and pancreas transplants. In these states, a few hospitals along with committed NGOs have kept the momentum of the deceased ethics of unrelated programs and there seems to be a move towards making this an acceptable legal alternative. The ethics of commerce in organ donation and cloning, stem cells.




  • Track 16-1Ethics of organ sale

 Socioeconomic factors have been shown to affect health care outcomes. Poverty, unemployment, and low education level have been listed among the factors that adversely affect health.

Transplantation noncompliance: occupational status, educational level, language or cultural barriers, and ethnic background.  Race and income have substantial effects on mortality and use of services among Medicare beneficiaries.  Poor individuals are less likely than wealthy individuals to be medically suitable, to be interested in transplantation, and to complete the pre- transplantation workup

 Based on UNOS data, in patients with liver transplant, it has been shown that neighbourhood income had no effect on graft or patient survival, education had only marginal influence on the outcome (survival was lower in those with a high school education than in those with graduate education), and patients with Medicaid and Medicare had lower survival when compared with those with private insurance .The results of our study that was done in kidney transplant recipients are similar. In the entire patient group, there is a statistically significant benefit to graft and patient survival from having private insurance compared with Medicare. This effect was observed across almost all racial groups (except for Asian patients, for whom there was no significant association between private insurance and graft survival). HMO/PPO was associated with significantly higher risk for graft failure but improved patient survival. These results are similar to those reported in liver transplant recipients.